Ask the Right Questions

Message: The rich young ruler came and asked Jesus “What good must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus answered this in two pieces by first answering his question with another question. “Why do you ask me about what is...


Message: “Live in my presence and be blameless.” This was the short and simple command that God gave Abram right before telling him that he would bless him and make him the father of nations through his wife Sarai. I...

The Spin Doctor

Message: In Genesis 16 Sarai got impatient with the promise that God made about she and Abram having a child so she convinced Abram to take her slave and sleep with her. But after she did and the slave got...


Message: The Canaanite woman pushed Jesus for a miracle for her daughter who was tormented by a demon. Jesus even resisted her at first by telling her that this was only for the Jews. He even insulted her by referencing...


Message: It isn’t enough for me to just read the word. I have to ponder it and let it teach me something or else it just becomes a checklist item. When Jesus spoke in the parables he was very clear...

Careless Words

Message: A tree is known by the fruit it produces. A good tree doesn’t produce bad fruit and a bad tree doesn’t produce good fruit. Command: I am going to have to give an account for every word, and on...


Message: The people of Babylon came together in unity for a rebellious cause. Their united desire was to make a name for themselves and build a tower up to the sky. Their reason was “otherwise we will be scattered over...

Wisdom Speaks

Message: Wisdom calls out to me and provokes me to do not only what is right, but what is beneficial. Wisdom is not only an attribute of who God is, but it is the part of him that guides me...

Foundation Check

Message: Matthew 7 takes me back to that childhood Sunday school song about the wise man building his house upon the rock, and the foolish man building his house upon the sand. As I read this I thought about the...

Adjust the Motive

Message: Matthew 6 is a reminder to me that although my character is on display, it is not for show!  On one hand this sounds obvious, but it can almost sound contradictory in contrast with this passage from yesterday’s reading...


Message: The “beattitudes” are a reminder to me that in whatever situation I find myself in, if I am walking with the attributes of God I am blessed. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like blessing though. It feels a lot like...

Sin is Crouching At My Door

Message: What really stood out to me in Genesis 4 this morning is that we don’t just happen upon trouble. It is usually  rooted from something deeper going on within us. In the case of this story, Abel was offended...

The Cost of Wisdom

Message: As I read between Genesis 3 and Proverbs 3 I couldn’t help but notice a theme with the word “wisdom”. Maybe I always assumed that Eve ate from the tree because the serpent tricked her into believing she wouldn’t...

The Garden

Message: The message I got today was in more of a symbolic form, but it has a very practical message. As I read in Genesis 2 about the one river in the garden of Eden that watered the garden, I...

Not What He Asked For

Message: The paralyzed man at the temple gate was in his usual place doing his usual thing, begging for money from those who were entering the temple. When Peter and John came along and saw him in his usual place...

The Promise of Power

Message: In Acts 1 there were 120 Jesus followers gathered and praying together in unity. The only instructions they had were to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the power of the Holy Spirit. They didn’t know what this meant...

Cooperate With the Plan

Message: In John 18 there was a lot of scripture fulfillment happening that looked otherwise to those living it. Judas betrayed Jesus according to plan and led the soldiers to where they were meeting. Even though the soldiers were thrown...

Open My Eyes

Message: John 17 is a powerful prayer  That Jesus prayed when he had completed everything he was supposed to do on the earth and was headed for the final act of obedience on the cross. Whether the disciples knew it...

Support the Vision

Message: In Exodus 35 the people of Israel began the huge project of building a sanctuary for the Lord. It started out with everyone contributing offerings of the needed supplies and then the skilled workers for each thing used those...
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