The Promise of Power

Message: In Acts 1 there were 120 Jesus followers gathered and praying together in unity. The only instructions they had were to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the power of the Holy Spirit. They didn’t know what this meant...

Cooperate With the Plan

Message: In John 18 there was a lot of scripture fulfillment happening that looked otherwise to those living it. Judas betrayed Jesus according to plan and led the soldiers to where they were meeting. Even though the soldiers were thrown...

Open My Eyes

Message: John 17 is a powerful prayer  That Jesus prayed when he had completed everything he was supposed to do on the earth and was headed for the final act of obedience on the cross. Whether the disciples knew it...

Support the Vision

Message: In Exodus 35 the people of Israel began the huge project of building a sanctuary for the Lord. It started out with everyone contributing offerings of the needed supplies and then the skilled workers for each thing used those...

The Joyful Gardener

Message: Jesus gave us a visual picture of what it means to “remain in him”. He describes himself as the vine, us as the branches and the Father has the vineyard keeper. The branches that don’t produce fruit are removed,...

The Object of My Worship

Message: We instinctively know that we were created to submit to God. The desire is built into us by design. The problem is when there is no relationship established that built-in instinct has the capacity to turn to anything in...

Washing With the Word

Message: This morning I saw something in John 13 a little differently than I had ever seen before when I read about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. I feel like it’s an act that we struggle to understand...

Backwards & Reverse

Message: Jesus spoke of the grain of wheat in the field saying “unless a grain of wheat  falls to the ground and dies, it remains by itself.” But if it dies it produces a large crop. The one who loves...

Run Like Martha

Message: As I read John 11 I really paid attention to what was going on with Mary. We previously read how Martha was caught up in serving and was frustrated with Mary for sitting at the feet of Jesus instead...

Stranger Danger

Message: We have lots of things in this world competing to rule over us and trying to lure us in to follow other voices. They don’t lead us from the heart though because they don’t HAVE a heart for us....

Ignorance vs Rejection of Truth

Message: Once again I find John chapter 9 both fascinating and maddening! I think it’s interesting that in this story the blind man was just minding his own business and not asking for a thing! It was the disciples that...

Go and Sin No More

Message: John 8 is both fascinating and maddening to read. When Jesus went to the temple complex to teach and they brought the woman caught in adultery the intent was to corner Jesus by using the law which called for...

Hidden in Plain Sight

Message: John 7 shows the division between religion and revelation and in chapter 7 it literally starts close to home with his brothers. I found it interesting to see his brothers advising Jesus here because we don’t see a lot...

I Pity the Fool!

Message: Proverbs 26 has quite a bit to say about the fool. As I was reading it, it occurred to me how much I read that and think it’s about other people. Nobody wants to be “that guy”, yet we...

Answer the Right Questions

Message: I’ve read the story in John 5 about the man by the pool of Bethesda quite a few times and I’ve heard plenty of sermons on it as well. The common theme here is that some people just don’t...


Message: I saw a huge contrast in John 4 between those who believed Jesus at his word and those who believed because of the signs. When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman I thought it was interesting that he first...

Renewed Vision

Message: In John 3 a Pharisee named Nicodemus came to Jesus at night and acknowledged that Jesus had to have come from God as a teacher because nobody could perform those signs unless they were from God. A few things...

Glass of Ordinary

Message: When Jesus performed his first miracle it was not in his plan at all. In fact he clearly told his mother it wasn’t his time yet but to honor her he did. He told the servants to fill the...

Take a Step Closer

Message: In Exodus 20 Moses gave the ten commandments to the people. The people saw the thunder and lightning and smoke around the mountain and it terrified them and they stood back at us distance. They told Moses “you speak...

Road to Understanding

Message: Luke 24 tells one of my favorite stories about Jesus after he resurrected walking and talking with some men on the seven mile walk down the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus. They were discouraged as they argued and discussed...
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