Message: When the paralytic man was brought to Jesus the first thing Jesus said was “take courage son, your sins are forgiven.” I can’t help but wonder what the men who carried him to Jesus were thinking. ‘Ummm, that’s really... Continue reading →
Message: This is such an important message about the Passover, but what really stood out to me most was that it mentioned a few times that the blood on their lintels was the distinguishing mark on God’s people. It is... Continue reading →
In Numbers 13 Moses had sent scouts to the promised land to tell them what kind of land it was and to bring back some produce. These scouts weren’t just any men. They were leaders among Israel and when they... Continue reading →
Reading in Proverbs 9 this morning I heard this female personified voice of wisdom a little differently, and a lot more personal. As I read this morning it occurred to me that her voice is not just a female voice.... Continue reading →
R Message: In 2 Corinthians 8 Paul was commending the church of Macedonia because they were born in adversity and didn’t have a lot to give, but they prepared a generous offering to other hurting churches. Paul described the importance... Continue reading →
Message: In Acts 12 persecution of the church continued as King Herod sought the praise and approval of the Jews. He had James killed and when he saw that this pleased them he had Peter thrown in prison. He was... Continue reading →
Message: In John 20 Mary arrives to the tomb early enough to find it empty but she was fresh on the scene because as soon as she saw it empty cried believing someone stole his body. Two angels asked her... Continue reading →
Message: Reading through the parable of the talents in Luke 19 was very familiar until I noticed something different mentioned In Luke that I have not seen in the same story told in Matthew. In Luke there is a back... Continue reading →
This simple dish is a shout-out to all of the other mushroom lovers out there! I’ve learned that people either love them, or hate them. I love them so I made this as a snack one night and I really... Continue reading →
Hot dog! It’s summer time! Summer plans, bar-b-ques, good times and baseball are all in full swing, and for most of us, the regular routine activities of life must continue as well. Despite the heat, healthy living enthusiasts can be found walking, running and biking... Continue reading →