Blessing & Curses

Message: In 1 Samuel 19 Saul was being influenced by an “evil spirit from the Lord”. Let that one sink in. His jealousy enraged him and he ordered everyone to kill David. As king he had the power and authority to do it but David had the favor of God and of the people so even Saul’s own son and daughter worked against him. It’s a crazy story and it continued that the harder Saul was oppressed, the more favor and skill he received and the more skillful he became at many things.  You can look at this story and dwell on the hardships caused by a crazy man who wanted to kill him , or you can look at all of the favor and blessing that came from it. As this year progresses I have heard so many people curse the year 2020 for all of the hardships but we are receiving an outpouring of favor also. We have to pay attention and shift our focus to see that both are happening. I would rather have the favor of God any day!!

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