The Well of Wisdom
- Message: The whole book of Proverbs is about following wisdom and building character. Chapter 20 in today’s read particularly stood out to me as I sift through so many questions about the current state of our world. I can’t help but feel concerned as I watch so many people assume they have it all figured out and speak like it’s their duty to educate everyone else. Verse 2 says “it is honorable for a man to resolve a dispute, but only a fool can get himself into a quarrel.” As I read this I thought about all of the endless social media posts where people are engaging in verbal battles and making assumptions about other people based on their social media posts. They are convincing nobody to change their minds and they further plant their feet into their own thinking. Verse 5 says “Counsel in a man’s heart is deep water but a man of understanding draws it out.” Our well of wisdom is full when we read the word and take council from wise sources, but we have to have the discernment to draw out that wisdom and use it in the appropriate context. Many of us are educated in Christian doctrine and self-help books but it does nothing for us if we don’t draw it out and apply it. We can talk all day long but until we actually apply it to our lives we are just adding to the noise and have no real experience to speak from.