My Yes, My Obedience

Message: In Luke 5 we see how Peter is not quite a disciple of Jesus yet, but Jesus wanted to teach the crowds and he asks Peter to put out his boat out a bit so he could stand on it while speaking to the crowds. In other words, he asked Peter if he could use his boat (his business and livelihood) as a platform to preach to the crowds. Peter respectfully agreed, and after he did, Jesus blessed his business tremendously -but there was still some obedience involved. Peter had willingly given Jesus access to his boat, but now Jesus was telling him how to run his business. His advice didn’t sound quite right with what he knew, but out of his complete respect for Jesus, he obeyed and was blessed beyond imagination. So much so that the blessing affected his partners and it took all the help they could get to contain it all. Peter was not looking for any of this. He received this because he said yes to Jesus and held back nothing. Not his business, his possessions and not even his pride.

Command: Let there be nothing in my life that Jesus can’t use.

Promise: When we are all-in with no reserve, and with an obedient heart, it is perfect soil for blessing.

Warning: If we try to pick and choose what things we are willing to surrender, it is not surrender. We are all in or we are not.

Application: This reminds me of the importance of not only my yes, but the obedience that should accompany my yes. Jesus wants my life, my influence, my platform, my all and my obedience! Lord Jesus, please reveal to me anything I am holding back. Let there be nothing I am gripping so tightly that you are unable to reach!

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