Message: In Ephesians 3 Paul was talking about the grace given to him to receive revelation knowledge and understand. Things that were not revealed to previous generations were being revealed to him. It seemed he was talking specifically about Gentiles becoming coheirs and members of the body of Christ through Jesus. He continued explaining how this revelation was given to him by the grace of God to shed light on things that had been hidden for ages. Verse 10 says “This is so God’s multifaceted wisdom may be known through the church to the rulers and authorities in the heavens”. I found it fascinating that the footnotes in my bible described “multi-faceted” as “manifold or multicolored like a beautiful jewel”. What a beautiful description of the church! After this he prayed for the church in a passage that we typical hear used when we are praying for empowerment and for things we want God to do on our behalf. In this context it seems he was praying for spiritual empowerment to walk out the design God had revealed to Paul about being a multifaceted church. This aligns with what Jesus prayed before he was crucified. “Lord make them one as we are one”. Today I agree with Paul in this prayer for the body of Christ. When the church is unified in love we will influence and catch the attention of the world.