Message: If we read the word of God and follow it, our lives will be able to withstand the storms that come against it because we are grounded in Christ with a solid foundation. This does not stop the storms from coming, nor does it mean we won’t feel the pressure of the wind and the rain. It means that our lives will not fall apart from the pressure as long as our foundation is built on him.
Command: Obedience is the key. We won’t be sustained through the storms just by knowing what the word says. We have to walk out the obedience in order to become pressure tested. In my mind I thought about pressure treated wood and the importance of building a house with wood that can withstand weather without warping.
Promise: The promise here is that if our lives are built on God’s foundation it will not collapse under pressure. Our obedience doesn’t keep the storm away, but it does keep our house standing firm.
Warning: If we DON’T walk out in obedience to the word of God we will not be able to withstand the pressures of the storm and we won’t have a firm foundation to stand on in times of trouble.
Application: I literally heard the lyrics from the bridge of the song “Firm Foundation” as I read this. “Storms came, winds blew, my house was built on you. I’m safe with you, I’m gonna make it through.”
Lord Jesus, thank you for the simplicity of this message to remind me that I can’t simply pick and choose my obedience. Thank you that my time with you is building a firm foundation that will sustain me through whatever comes my way. Thank you Lord that the storm I face are of no surprise to you, and you are strategically preparing me for exactly what I will need. Help me Lord to heed the importance of NOT skipping steps that you have ordered for me because I will need each step as part of my foundation without weak or missing pieces.