Message: After reading in Matthew 5 yesterday about how our good attitudes are like salt and light to the world, chapter 6 is all about how our spiritual disciplines are not for show. We are not supposed to put ourselves on display for the good things we do or the spiritual disciplines we commit ourselves to. When we do this our motives are all wrong so our hearts are not impacted with change. Instead we become image-obsessed.
Command: Don’t be image obsessed. We are living for an audience of one and God is looking at my heart and not the image I am displaying to lie to myself or others.
Promise: God sees what I do in secret and he rewards openly.
Warning: God also sees when we self promote or draw attention to our deeds. When we do this our only reward will be the attention we drew for ourselves to people.
Application: Lord Jesus! Please help me live for your approval only. That my actions would be authentic and not to project image for anyone else. Help me to be FAR more concerned with what you see