Don’t Ignore the Warnings
- Message: Continuing in Exodus 11 I was anticipating the deliverance of Israel. Right from the start of chapter 3 it says that God told Moses he would strike Egypt with one final blow that would cause Pharaoh to not only release the people, but he would drive them out. It occurred to me that this final blow was the only plague that God actually warned about from the beginning. God didn’t sneak in this attack and he didn’t act out of and out of control rage response. God told Moses before he even went to Egypt that Israel was his firstborn son, and to let him go so that he can worship. He also said that the Lord would give the people favor with the Egyptians and that they would willingly give them jewelry and valuable items. Here in chapter 11 we see this all happening exactly the way God said it would.
- Command: Don’t ignore the warnings from God.
- Promise: God gives us lots of opportunity to change.
- Warning: God means business and when he warns us of consequences to come he means business.
- Application: Reading this chapter today I realized that God didn’t just get angry on a whim and resort to killing Pharaoh’s son. From the beginning God had established the significance of the firstborn son. This seems so harsh when we read about the firstborn sons of Egypt dying as a result of Pharaoh’s stubborn heart, but this points to the significance of Jesus, God’s firstborn son who would later lay down his life to buy our freedom from our own stubborn hearts enslaved to sin.