Simple DIY Autumn Wreaths You’ll Fall For


I love fall and even though it’s still toasty warm here in Arizona, and my dogs are still swimming every day, I get excited as soon as October comes and I can start bringing out the fall decorations. We don’t see a lot of color change here since we are in the middle of the desert. With the exception of the few non-native trees that may have been planted in an occasional yard, or down the streets of our neighborhood, we don’t have any trees here that change color and shed their leaves so we literally have to create the look of fall with our decorations. I usually go crazy over sunflowers and all of the bright orange and yellow colors, but this time for my wreath I was captured by one single white flower, and all of the texture items so I built the entire look around that. I really loved the look of the creamy colors I was seeing in the stores and the way they brought out the beauty of the natural browns in the pinecones, acorns and sticks so I just grabbed a little variety of textures and a variety of tan and cream colors and. I chose the grapevine wreath because I knew I was going to leave some of it exposed intentionally since I love contrasting textures.

To make things easier I took wire cutters and trimmed just a small portion off the ends of the flowers. Just enough to separate the stems into individuals, but I left them long initially because some of them were much easier to work into the grapevine wreath by sliding the whole stem into the wreath. I just began pushing the stems into the wreath and moving them around until I liked the placement. For some of the flowers it was necessary to trim them all the way up to the head and then use a glue gun to place it where I wanted it to go. Just make sure you know for sure where you want it before you use the glue gun. While hot glue is easy to peel off of most things, it doesn’t do nice things to silk flowers.

The best part about picking a variety is that I had a lot leftover so I was able to make some mason jar flower arrangements.


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