When My Past Decisions Mock Me

When My Past Decisions Mock Me

  1. Message: God made Abraham & Sarah a promise. It took time so they took matters into their own hands and tried to produce the miracle on their own. Ishmael was the result and years later the promised Isaac was born at exactly the time God said it would happen. In the middle of celebrating their miracle Sarah’s focus became distracted by Ishmael and his slave mother mocking her promised son.
  2. Command:  Stay the course! God is faithful!
  3. Promise: God will still bless us in spite of our mistakes.
  4. Warning: Don’t let your past mistakes distract you from the celebration of God’s faitfulnes!
  5. Application: As I read this story about God’s faithful in giving him a son, I see where Sarah’s insecurity and her poor decision came back to haunt her. She was in the middle of celebrating her own promise of Isaac when she caught sight of her previous poor decision mocking her promise. She became distracted by this and enraged. I see this like symbolically in my own life where my past decisions came back to mock me even in my blessing. In this case, it happened to be a child and God still blessed Ishmael because of his promise to Abraham. God is faithful and even when we screw up his plan he will bless us!

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