Most people with tools have tool benches. This is my tool vanity. It’s a cute, but still sturdy and practical way to store and display my tools conveniently. My husband bought me these adorable pink tools for my birthday. Since I am constantly working on DIY and repurpose projects I really wanted them in an easy, hands-reach place, but I also really wanted to keep with the theme of my craft room.
I found an old nightstand and a large photo frame at a thrift store for super cheap so I decided to make my tool bench look dainty and cute like a makeup vanity, but just like my tools, all of that cuteness has to be matched with durability and reliability. After all, the point still is to have a sturdy reliable place for my tools!
I bought some peg board and some tool bench hooks and made some homemade chalk paint to give it that dainty look. Be sure to click on the page link at the bottom if you want to learn more about chalk painting or get the super easy recipe. (It is WAY cheaper than buying chalk paint but there are links to some supplies on that page if you so desire) The beauty of chalk paint is not only how it looks, but the fact that you don’t have to sand everything down before painting.
There are still a few important steps to make sure the paint job looks nice. The first is making sure there aren’t any sticky substances on the surfaces. I use goof-off to take off anything that may be stuck to the surface and then wipe down the surface with a damp towel to make sure the oil is off. Next I take off the hardware and set it aside. Finally, I spray down the whole piece with a wood primer. There are tons of primers to choose from depending upon the type of surface you are working with. If I plan to distress the piece, I choose a primer color that compliments the color I will be painting the piece. I didn’t distress this piece initially so I won’t go into that here but be sure to check out the post below for more details about chalk painting.
If you are interested in the cute pink tools I have pictured here you can buy them at the links below. I have had mine for just a short time now but so far I am very happy with the quality.