A Search For Authenticity

We live in a culture that is driven by image and appearance.  Where people strive to portray a life of flawless success in careers, relationships, hobbies, parenting and just about anything else that can be showcased. Social media is a...

It Takes Two to Trust

We have to understand that withholding honesty, trust or forgiveness will not protect us from getting hurt. It will only ensure that we have no opportunity to experience real love and intimacy because we have denied the vulnerability that makes love valid.


Hope is a poweful thing. It allows us to suffer long and endure when life gets tough. It gives us the strength to inch forward another day when circumstances don’t otherwise look good. Hope fuels our will to do what...

L♡ve is

​ Have you noticed that there are a lot of memes out there descrbing what we expect or desire to gain out of a relationship? Even as we view these biblical attributes of love, how many of us, if we’re...

What is Love?

Love is the most sought after, yet the most elusive thing of all time. Not just romantic love, but love of all kinds. We were all created to need love and our desire to fulfill that need causes us to...

Distressed to Beauty

​ I love the look of distressed furniture and I’ve really come to enjoy the art of distressing my own pieces. But when I really think about it, what is it about taking something and intentionally making it old that...

There’s a Hole in My Boat

  “You can’t blame the water for finding the hole in the boat…” Blame is a weight of negativity that holds us captive in the boat of our circumstances. It lends complete control of our thoughts and emotional well being...


From the day we were born we were weighed, measured, analyzed and compared. Long before we ever had the opportunity to accomplish anything significant, achievable- or anything not quite so much, we were already being compared to other newborns. Doctors collect medical data to make sure babies are healthy, growing. thriving...

A Valuable Work In Progress

There is a very old saying (much, much older than I am) “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”. The intent of this quote is that you don’t lose something valuable when you discard what is undesirable. Unfortunately, people can...

We Were Created to Shine

I was admiring the beauty of the moon one night. How bright and how beautiful it is. How it lights up the night sky and even though there is darkness all around, the moon gives off just enough light to illuminate our path and keep us from stumbling...

Who Are You God?

If I asked a random group of people how many know God, I’m guessing the majority would say they do. After all, who hasn’t heard of God right? The same could also be said of most celebrities simply because when we say we know someone,...

Training For Excellence

When serious athletes are training there a number of things they have to do to make sure they are in the best physical and mental condition to compete. They live very disciplined lives not only during their workout and practice...

Roadtrip of a Lifetime

While driving on a long family roadtrip I was enjoying the desert scenery with a great music playlist and the sound of my kids snoring. It was a long, straight road with no scenery changes and at least 300 miles...

Why Religion Opposes Relationship

What if we really understood how God looks at us? What if we really comprehended how much he really loves us? How would that change us? Many of us grew up hearing “Jesus loves you” but are tormented with feelings...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness is the most sought after, yet the most elusive goal of so many people. The dream of someday attaining happiness is often the motivation for beginning things and the loss of happiness ultimately becomes the undoing. It dangles in...

Identity and Purpose

Over the years, I have carried out many different roles. Some are lifetime roles, like being a wife, a mom, a sister and a daughter. Others have been short-term roles depending upon jobs I’ve had, or seasons in my life...
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