Message: In Acts 2 the apostles were all
gathered together in one place just as Jesus told them to do. The Holy Spirit
filled the room and then filled them all. They began speaking in other
languages as the Spirit gave them the ability. Even though they were in a room,
this caused such a commotion that all of the visitors walking around in the
busy city heard them all speaking in their own native languages. The responses
were of both wonder and of cynicism. There are many biblical scholar arguments
on whether they were actually speaking all of those human languages or whether
they were speaking in a supernatural language that that caused the people to
hear in their own native languages. I think it’s an interesting thing to read
about, but to me the point was that all of these different nations were hearing
the praises of God in their own languages for the first time ever, and this was
a sign that God was no longer exclusive to just the Jews. The Gentiles were now
included and invited to the table. The very last thing Jesus had said to his
disciples before he ascended to heaven was “you will be my witnesses in
Jerusalem, in all of Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” This
massive event had everyone talking and it opened the door for them to begin
preaching the gospel. Because of this 3000 people were saved and baptized that
Command: We are to be witnesses to people of
all nations.
Promise: People will be saved and the church
will grow in unity and in influence.
Warning: When God moves there will be always
be both wonder and cynicism.
Application: I have always read this chapter and
focused on the power of the Holy Spirit that baptized them and gave them power.
What I really saw in this today is that God used the Holy Spirit to unite the
apostles and that unity spread to everyone who heard them. The power of the
Holy Spirit launched unity in communication and opened the opportunity for the
preaching of the gospel because it was a bold invitation to all of the nations
that they were invited in. What used to be exclusive only to the Jews was now
open for everyone. Everyone walking through town felt included because they
heard their own languages. They were away from home and anyone who has
travelled around the world understands the comfort of hearing your own language
in another land. You feel a sense of common ground and trust when someone
speaks your language. What this speaks to me is that we need to allow the Holy
Spirit to work through us to relate to people like only he can. He speaks the
languages of the heart that we don’t understand and when people feel that
communication is relatable they feel invited. This is true whether we are
talking to people about salvation, or working through a problem. Holy Spirit,
please communicate through me in a language that is welcoming and inclusive so
that those who hear it will know they are loved, they belong and that they will
respond to the invitation.